Nobody wants a stressful vacation. Destress vacation with a few simple tips. Here’s a quick story to illustrate the point.
Vacation time is here. At least for my family.
Married to a twin, we often vacation with our extended-immediate family (my wife’s sister and her family – we live across the street – yes, it’s a real thing).
That means twice the fun but sometimes means twice the tension. Especially on travel days. There can be so much stress tied to a travel day. Amma-right?
- Playing Tetris with packing your mini-van in the 95-degree heat (yes we have one and if you did you would never go back).
- Grabbing lunch in a mask-required world.
- Finding out Waze needs an update since you drove anywhere 4 months ago.
- Trying to figure out the elaborate code system to your amazing new condo while managing a gaggle of kids and all of the formerly (expertly I might add) packed luggage.
Destressing tips for you:
- Don’t take things personally – everybody is having a crappy moment
- Emotions are high (and usually the stakes are low) so don’t poke the bear. This is not the time to tell someone they always (you finish the sentence – just not out loud).
- Build a family culture where you can all hit the “Reset Button” and say you’re sorry for acting like a jerk.
[bctt tweet=”3 Tips to Destress Vacation” username=”@f3_jedi”]
Apologizing is only allowed for things YOU have done.
Saying, “I’m sorry for being rude when you did _______.” is NO BUENO.
Apologizing properly is taking full ownership. “I’m sorry I acted like a jerk. I’m sure it wasn’t helpful and probably stressed you out even more.” sounds about right.
If you’re wondering who in our little party I’m talking about… it was all of us (except the kids, of course. Wee angles they were). We all literally sat down and had a moment where we said, “Let’s hit the reset button. I’m sorry for _______.” It made a huge difference (and it helped to have our first vacation cocktail in hand too).
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